Udyam Registration is a new and simplified process that helps your business get the identity of an MSME.
- Assistance in applying for Udyam Registration.
- Information on document requirements.
- Information on the process.
- Follow-ups with the associated government department.
- No Exclusions.
Get it for ₹ 750
Get it in 7 to 8 days
For existing businesses only
No expiration or renewal
Update for Business category
Turnover and Investment based MSME categorization
Hey there! We've compiled a list of common questions to help you find the answers you need. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to us directly.
It is not mandatory to get Udyam Registration. However, you may avail all MSME-related benefits and schemes if you are registered.
Yes, after the 31st of March 2021 ‘Udyog Aadhaar Registration’ has been invalidated.
No, only existing businesses can apply for Udyam Registration.
No, a business cannot have more than one Udyam Registration.